Friday, March 28, 2014

High School Corner

Poutama Day

Thank you to all parents, caregivers and students who attended interviews with form teachers or deans on Poutama Day. Feedback from all was encouraging and it was useful helping students to focus on their goals. There will be opportunities during the year for students to review the goals they set. If you are aware of an inspiring person/story, please let Mrs Goble know as we are always looking for speakers for our Poutama assemblies.

Parent teacher interviews

Reports have been posted for all students and senior students with parents and caregivers will have an opportunity to meet with teachers on Thursday 3 April from 7 to 9pm in the assembly hall. A booking sheet was posted with the reports.
Parents and caregivers of junior students will have an interview evening on Thursday 10 April from 7 to 9 pm.

Positive Behaviour for Learning - School Wide (PB4LSW)

Congratulations to Rachel Martin, Nikita Dorne, Matthew Kowalewski and Matthew Rine on their appointment as Positive Behaviour for Learning  Ambassadors. Their role as ambassadors in the PB4LSW team is to act as a student voice on the team and to put forward a student perspective on the promotion and development of PB4LSW in our school and the wider community. We look forward to working with them.

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