Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"I am a Nation"

Here is the speech by Johnny Cash "I am a Nation" which I would like to leave all our Year 13 leavers and other students who are completing their secondary education this year with.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kulcha Art Auction items

Some of the unsold items from the Kulcha Art Auction have been put onto Trademe - the new Zealand Auction site.
Following are photos of the items listed to date.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Absence Process

With the winter term coming to a close, it has been noted that a large number of parents/caregivers are not ringing to report an absence.
Please phone the school at any time on 06 765 6039 and choose Option 1 on the phone message. State the name of the student (s) and form classes as well as a short reason.
Thank you for assisting the school in this.

We are looking at a method of receiving a text message for absences and parents will be advised when this system is working satisfactorily.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Administration Team

The Stratford High Administration team has had several changes of staff this year but we are pleased to welcome Mrs Ina Fouche and Mrs Penny Bloor to the Admin team.

Ina is our friendly receptionist and the person behind the desk in the main office. She will be in contact with parents as she is responsible for the pupil absence system.

Penny is the Staffroom and Administration Assistant. She provides much needed assistance to staff with photocopying, keeping our staff room humming and also assisting in the student office with student records and dealing with students while the School Secretary is out of the office.

Mrs Susan Terry is the Executive Officer for the school and as such is responsible for property and finance for the school. If you need to make a booking for school amenities please contact Mrs Terry.

Mrs Patricia Seator is the School Secretary. She is in charge of the Student Office, where you can pay for school items, students receive first aid and staff are able to get assistance with administration.

Miss Diane Lithgow is the Principal's PA. You need to contact Diane if you would like to make an appointment to see the principal, if you have a matter you would like brought before the SHS Board of Trustees or confidential information about a school issue.